Sunday, March 20, 2011

Getting Back Off The Ground

Well, hard times have fallen and like so many of you it has pinned me to the ground for a while.  My newsletter "SNITCH" for the prison ministry is finally starting back up after a long shutdown.  Requests for me to begin my ministry at full steam are starting.  But things did not look so nice before this time.
    In the past year, I have lost my father to heart disease and diabetes.  He left to be with the Lord in March.  My attempts to heal my marriage failed the day of his burial.  While the sins of my past have been the start of the failure, my rededication to God in 1995 and attempts to do what I can since then were not enough.  Just when I thought that all my loyalty to God and rebuilding of the Man of God that God wanted me to be from the beginning was for nothing, he brought a beautiful voice to me, calling me to church.
    What you have to realize is a prayer I made back in 1995 included these things: that God's will be done.  That my efforts to save my marriage would be by The Book - The Bible.  If God showed me that my wife wanted to part based on offense to Christ or my Christian ministry, then I would let her part.  That I would not seek another, even afterwards.  That I would not trust my heart to choose because it might select someone who is not of God - again.  That knowing is not good for man to be alone, that God would guide a woman of God to me, and that she would have a love for God that would keep me founded in the faith and continuing in the ministry. 
    In March of that same year (2010) at the end of the month, three weeks after the burial of Dad and what I call the final end of my marriage, a old friend called me to go to church with her.  She encouraged me to start the prison ministry back up and to get things together to do the will of God. 
    The interesting part of this all is she was the first gal I asked to the prom.  At the time, she said "No."  As I told her, in that day I was not the man God wanted me to be for her.  She is amazing.  Cissy I love you dearly.  My joy with you knows no bounds.  Because of you, by the will and power of God, the ministry is reborn, strong and active!
The Skelton Ministry
The ministry was reborn! My life was renewed, and a new hope was established.  The passing of my old life had a wonderful, peaceful, end.  My life as a full time minister and the future hope of being a husband once more fills me with wonder and joy.

    The Skelton Ministry is a prison ministry.  God has shown me it will grow to something much bigger and more wonderful that I can imagine.  But it will take time and resources.  You don't build your tower without planning and having all the items needed to build it - including the workers of the Lord.

    I have also been lead of the Lord, and His will confirmed through others, that I should begin my new life as a writer.  Me? Mr. Cantspellathing?

What books?

How To Cook A Ruby Red Dragon
A story of a "young man" who lost all that he felt was important in his life.  Forced to enter the world alone. Perhaps if he smiles, no one will notice he is a Ruby Red Dragon.....

A Utopian world.  A race that followed God's word and will.  One that has been blessed with knowledge and power.  Yet one son shall conspire to kill the child yet to be born - the child that can keep him from becoming Emperor!  A coming fight that may very well destroy the world he wants to rule...

A Christian Verse by Verse Comparative and Commentary of the Bible and the Quran.

...and the one book that will eventually have me hunted and killed - as God has shown me will happen in my latter years...

After dealing with apologetics with Muslims and even some radical elements of Islam, the one thing that is common for most ministries is the lack of understanding of what the Bible says, and what that Quran says.  Where do they say the same thing, and where do they differ.  This book will go verse by verse in the Quran and give a Biblical response, along with commentary.  With color coding of responses to show same, neutral, or opposite teachings or facts.  This is one book that will take a very long time to complete.

....and so on....
    I hope that you all continue to read these posts and freely post your comments.  I will make an effort to update this blog as I am able.

God Bless You All!

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